The Solano Community College Early Learning Center offers both full and half day programs for toddlers and preschool aged children until kindergarten entry.
Enrollment Options
Parents may select a half or full day program for their children based upon eligibility. Enrollment may be scheduled Monday/Wednesday/Friday, Tuesday/Thursday, or five days a week. Enrollment is at a minimum of 3 hours per day. Drop in child care is not provided.
Immunization Record – children must be up to date with their vaccines per Senate Bill 277.
Eligibility / Admission
The program abides by all State and Federal funding regulations. Admission is open to all children who meet the age eligibility. The program does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation, gender, ethnic group identification, race, ancestry, national origin, religion, color, or mental or physical limitations.
The following documents are required for enrollment:
Preadmission health evaluation (physician’s report)
Preadmission health history (parent’s report)
Consent for medical treatment
Personal/parental rights notification
Ages & Stages Questionnaire
Child Care Food Program application
Immunization Record
Emergency information
Verification documentation for child care subsidy
Child care contract
Upon completion of all registration requirements an orientation meeting is scheduled with the child’s teacher.
Please print and fill out the Eligibility Form to begin the enrollment process.
Subsidized eligibility list: The eligibility list is determined first by your child’s age. Then we take the families gross monthly income and divide by the number of immediate family members and place families on the list; lowest income is invited to join.